Yorsexual health are holding Cervical Screening Clinics at:

York Monkgate on 1st April and 26th April, and 

 Selby New War Memorial Hospital on 3rd April and 17th April

If you are aged between 25 and 64 with a cervix and are due or overdue your smear, you can book into one of our additional clinics above. Call us on 01904 721111 to book an appointment. 


Yorsexual Health are holding a dedicated Sexual Health and contraception service for trans and Non-binary people at:

Yorsexual Health Clinic, Monkgate York YO31 7PB On Saturday 15th April @ 9am-12pm, and 

Yorsexual Health Clinic, The Heatherdene building, Lancaster Park Road,

Harrogate HG2 7SN On Mon 17th April 12 noon-3pm 


We provide a welcoming, safe space where trans and non-binary people can be their true self and access specialist sexual health and contraceptive services tailored to their needs. In this clinic you can access STI advice and testing, including HIV point of care testing (finger prick HIV test)  STI treatments, Contraception including LARC (Coil and implants), emergency contraception and cervical screening for people with a cervix who have received their invite letter from their GP or for people aged 25-64 who have missed their screening and therefore overdue. 

Please contact our central booking number on 01904 721111 for more information, to book an appointment, and or tell us you are coming to the walk-in clinic. 







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The Specialist Clinical Outreach Team (SCOT)

The Specialist Clinical Outreach Team (SCOT) aims to meet the sexual health needs of young and vulnerable people, and to support colleagues and other professionals when providing sexual health care to these groups.

The team provides clinical care in York and North Yorkshire for young and vulnerable people. Any safeguarding concerns for adults or children should be managed according to local policy,a referral can then be made to SCOT for clinical sexual health care.

Criteria for referral to SCOT:

  • Young and vulnerable people who are at high risk of unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection, and who may require additional support (e.g individuals who are hard to reach and who may have difficulty in accessing sexual health services).
  • Young and vulnerable people who have untreated/inadequately treated sexually transmitted infections, or unintended pregnancy, and need support in accessing sexual health services.
  • Young and vulnerable people for whom the referrer suspects, or has concerns, that grooming/sexual exploitation is taking place and clinical advice/support is required.
  • Young and vulnerable people who have disclosed sexual assault and clinical follow up/support is required. The referrer receiving the disclosure of sexual assault is advised to follow their own agencies safeguarding policies in relation to such a disclosure.
  • Children under the age of 13 years who are sexually active. The referrer is advised to follow their own agencies child safeguarding policy as children under 13 years are legally unable to give consent to sexual activity, therefore any sexual intercourse with a child under 13 years is rape and requires referral to children’s safeguarding services. 

You can make a referral to the SCOT team using the form below. 

Would you consider the person to be young and/or at greater risk of sexual ill health, with unmet clinical sexual health needs?

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16th March 2023

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