Yorsexual health are holding Cervical Screening Clinics at:

York Monkgate on 1st April and 26th April, and 

 Selby New War Memorial Hospital on 3rd April and 17th April

If you are aged between 25 and 64 with a cervix and are due or overdue your smear, you can book into one of our additional clinics above. Call us on 01904 721111 to book an appointment. 


Yorsexual Health are holding a dedicated Sexual Health and contraception service for trans and Non-binary people at:

Yorsexual Health Clinic, Monkgate York YO31 7PB On Saturday 15th April @ 9am-12pm, and 

Yorsexual Health Clinic, The Heatherdene building, Lancaster Park Road,

Harrogate HG2 7SN On Mon 17th April 12 noon-3pm 


We provide a welcoming, safe space where trans and non-binary people can be their true self and access specialist sexual health and contraceptive services tailored to their needs. In this clinic you can access STI advice and testing, including HIV point of care testing (finger prick HIV test)  STI treatments, Contraception including LARC (Coil and implants), emergency contraception and cervical screening for people with a cervix who have received their invite letter from their GP or for people aged 25-64 who have missed their screening and therefore overdue. 

Please contact our central booking number on 01904 721111 for more information, to book an appointment, and or tell us you are coming to the walk-in clinic. 







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What is an abortion?

An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy.

It's also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy.

The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.


What happens during an abortion

Before having an abortion, you'll have an appointment to talk about your decision and what happens next.

Whenever possible, you should be given a choice of how you would like the abortion to be carried out.

There are 2 options:

  • Medical abortion ("abortion pill") – you take 2 medicines, usually 24 to 48 hours apart, to induce an abortion
  • Surgical abortion – you have a procedure to remove the pregnancy and normally go home soon afterwards

After an abortion, you'll probably need to take things easy for a few days. It's likely you'll have some discomfort and vaginal bleeding for up to 2 weeks.

Risks of an abortion

Abortion is a safe procedure. Abortions are safest, and happen with less pain and bleeding, when carried out as early as possible in pregnancy.

Most will not experience any problems, but there is a small risk of complications, such as:

  • infection of the womb (uterus)
  • some of the pregnancy remaining in the womb
  • excessive bleeding
  • damage to the womb or entrance of the womb (cervix)

If complications do occur, you may need further treatment, including surgery.

Having an abortion will not affect your chances of becoming pregnant again and having normal pregnancies in the future. You may be able to get pregnant immediately after an abortion so need to start contraception as soon as possible.

When can an abortion can be carried out?

Most abortions in England, Wales and Scotland are carried out before 24 weeks of pregnancy.

They can be carried out after 24 weeks in very limited circumstances – for example, if the mother's life is at risk or the child would be born with a severe disability.

Deciding to have an abortion

The decision to have an abortion is yours alone.

Some may be certain they want to have an abortion, while others may find it more difficult to make a decision.

Everyone requesting an abortion can discuss their options with, and receive support from, a trained pregnancy counsellor if they wish.

Where can I get more support and access counselling?

Abortion can bring up some difficult feelings, whether you’re deciding whether it’s the right option or you or you’ve had an abortion already. It’s okay to talk about your emotions around abortion and to need support. Abortion services offer counselling, where you can talk about your mental health in a non-judgemental and confidential environment.

BPAS counselling service

MSI counselling service

How can I access an abortion?

Abortions can only be carried out under the care of an NHS hospital or a licensed clinic, and are usually available free of charge on the NHS.

There are two main abortion providers in the UK. Please follow these links for more information:



You can contact either of these providers to discuss your options around abortion.

After an abortion you will be offered ongoing contraception within the abortion service. In addition to this you can access contraception after an abortion at your GP or at your local sexual health clinic.

Further information:


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16th March 2023

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